
Welcome to Altoplace

Welcome to my blog where I like to share my technology and life interests.


Welcome to Altoplace. This is my place for sharing my technology and life interests as I learn how to create websites. This is a hobby for me, but I do hope that you find useful information. I like saving “notes” about what I have learned. Then I can refer back to them as needed.

My First Life Post

This post is not exciting. I am still creating my Hugo infrastructure. I am adding a Life category to write about non-technical topics. I have fully converted my WordPress website to Hugo. I have added some basic styling, which I will tweak over time. But I believe that I have a fully functional blog.

Happy New Year 2023

Wishing you a very happy and blessed 2023 New Year! I wanted to take a moment to welcome you to the new, updated 2023 Altoplace. I have been doing a lot of behind the scenes work on Altoplace, fully converting it to use Hugo for building websites. I am using the Zen theme, which provides a foundation for my website.

How to Configure the Bash Shell on macOS

Recent versions of macOS now use zsh as the default command line shell. I typically use the bash shell on Linux servers, so I prefer using it on my Mac. This post is going to describe how to switch from the zsh shell to the bash shell. Before Starting You should be familiar with using the macOS Terminal command line.

How to install WordPress on macOS

I have been creating a Website Development Environment on my Mac, which is currently running macOS Sonoma. I have added a MAMP (LAMP when running on Linux) stack to support various website development tools, such as WordPress. A MAMP stack is based on the macOS operating system, the Apache 2 web server, the MySQL database management system, and the PHP scripting language.

Configure Apache and PHP-FPM on macOS

This post describes how to install and configure Apache and PHP-FPM to create a macOS local web development environment. I also describe how to use Dnsmasq, which adds a local DNS caching server to support using virtual hosts. I am using Homebrew to install most of the software. Please go to their site for installation instructions.

Connect macOS to Linux via SSH

I am going to show you show you how I use SSH to log into a Linux server from macOS. I am going to use my Pair Networks shared host as an example. I like having shell access to my web host, which is one of the great features that Pair offers.

Create a Send-Only SMTP Server on macOS

This post describes how I configured Postfix on my Mac to relay outbound email via my Pair Networks SMTP service. Note This post was originally written describing how to use Gmail as an SMTP host, using an Application password. I am no longer using Gmail as an SMTP host. What I am now describing (and have tested) is how to use any SMTP service that allows external access.

Configure MySQL on macOS

This is a followup post to my earlier Configure Apache and PHP-FPM on macOS post. With the addition of MySQL to my Mac website development environment, I can now install Content Management Systems, such as WordPress that require a database system to function. My original post supports static website development (for example, Grav ).

Disable Direct IP Access to Apache Website

I want to share how I solved an issue with Cache Enabler caching duplicate copies of my WordPress website content. I should note that my website is hosted on a VPS host that is running Apache. If you are using Cache Enabler, you will see your pages and posts cached under domain.